Text reading “eyelevel annual general meeting” written in large lettering in various colours on yellow background. "Eyelevel" in lavender, hollow outline of “annual” in fushia, “general” is light blue, “meeting” is also fushia. Graphic of torso with an old tube TV for a head in bottom right, with grey antenni sitting on top. TV shows yellow heartlike shape. Below text is a grey arrow pointing down and to right. Bottom text reads “june twenty six at six thirty P M, A D T over zoom. Pre-registration required"

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Eyelevel AGM 2024

Calling all members and those interested in Eyelevel! 

Our AGM will be taking place on June 26th at 6:30PM over Zoom. Pre-registration is required, register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsf-2pqDopHdJpQU4f2Wh-BFlidWwWINbg

Our AGM is open to all members of Eyelevel and prospective members! Please note that only current members are allowed to vote. Memberships are available on a PWYC basis, including $0, and can be purchased online at https://eyelevelbookstore.art/deliveries/become-a-member.

Come and hear from Eyelevel’s board of directors and staff on what we’ve been up to over the past year, how Eyelevel has been operating and vote in the election for our Board of Directors. Nominations for new board members are open. More info on board positions can be found below. Those wishing to join Eyelevel’s board can reach out to Sally or Cinthia (sally@eyelevel.art, cinthia@eyelevel.art) before the AGM, or come to our AGM prepared to say a few words about why you’d like to join Eyelevel’s board. 

Some info on Eyelevel's board:

Eyelevel is seeking new folks to join our Board of Directors! This is an exciting time for our organization as we head into our 50th year of operation. With cool new projects on the horizon at our growing Artist-Run Centre, we need you to be a voice in determining Eyelevel’s future!

The Board of Directors is responsible for:

  • Managing the Artistic Co-Directors
  • Setting Eyelevel’s budget every year
  • Overseeing fundraising activities like fundraising events, grants and sponsorships
  • Working with the staff to develop policies and strategic plans 
  • Helping develop programming and participate in submissions juries

Board participation is on a volunteer basis. Our board meets once a month (mostly over zoom), and no prior experience with boards or nonprofits is required. Board members should expect to contribute roughly 5-10 hours per month of volunteerism through attending meetings, responding to emails and participating in committees. 

We hope to see you there!